120+ Pumpkin Riddles to Spice Up Your Autumn Fun! (With Answer)

Pumpkins are a big part of autumn fun, and what better way to enjoy them than with pumpkin riddles? This collection of 120+ riddles will challenge your mind and bring laughter to your gatherings.

Whether you’re at a Halloween party, a cozy fall night, or just love brain teasers, these riddles are perfect. Each one comes with an answer, so you won’t be left guessing. Get ready to test your wit and add some seasonal excitement with these pumpkin-themed puzzles.

Easy Pumpkin Riddles

  1. What do you call a pumpkin that works at the beach? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A life-gourd!
  2. Why don’t pumpkins ever quarrel? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Because they prefer to patch things up!
  3. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Squash!
  4. How do you mend a broken jack-o’-lantern? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ With a pumpkin patch!
  5. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite genre of music? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Rock and roll!
  6. Why was the jack-o’-lantern so forgetful? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Because he was empty-headed!
  7. What do you call a pumpkin that’s good at math? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A brilliant gourd-ius!
  8. What did the pumpkin say to the pie baker? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ You’re making me go to pieces!
  9. What do you call an athletic pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pump-kin!
  10. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite Western movie? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The Gourd, the Bad, and the Ugly!
  11. What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Good-pie everyone!
  12. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Count Pumpcula!
  13. How do pumpkins talk to each other? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Through vine mail!
  14. What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pumpkin Pi!
  15. Where do pumpkins go on vacation? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The Gourdian Islands!
  16. Why was the jack-o’-lantern afraid to cross the road? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ He had no guts!
  17. What do you call a pumpkin that can tell scary stories? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A gourd-ian of tales!
  18. Why do pumpkins sit on people’s porches? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They have no hands to knock on the door!
  19. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite video game? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The Legend of Gourd!
  20. What do you call a pumpkin that cheats on tests? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin pie-rate!

Medium Pumpkin Riddles

  1. I’m orange, round, and full of seeds. Carve me a face and I’ll give you light. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-o’-lantern!
  2. I grow in patches, have seeds inside, and am often carved in autumn. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  3. What has a round orange head, illuminated from within, with triangle eyes and a toothy grin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-o’-lantern!
  4. When I’m young, I’m sweet. When I’m old, I’m made into pie. When I’m ancient, I get carved. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  5. In a field I grow, a sign of fall. With seeds inside and a stem so tall. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  6. I’m picked in October, I have lots of seeds. You can carve my face or make me a sweet treat. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  7. What do you call a pumpkin that’s trying to be cool? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A hip-ster!
  8. Why couldn’t the pumpkin walk straight? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It was squashed on one side!
  9. What did the pumpkin say when it won first prize? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ I always knew I was outstanding in my field!
  10. How do you know when a pumpkin is getting old? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ When it starts getting wrinkled and seedy!
  11. What’s the smartest vegetable? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pump-kin!
  12. Why don’t pumpkins like to exercise? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They don’t have the stamina!
  13. What kind of boat do pumpkins ride in? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A gourd-ship!
  14. Why did the pumpkin cross the road twice? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It was time for a double-crossing!
  15. What happens when a pumpkin gets mad? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It gets squashed!
  16. What do you call a happy jack-o’-lantern? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A merry pumpkin!
  17. Which side of a pumpkin has the most seeds? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The inside!
  18. How does a pumpkin listen to Halloween music? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Through its stem-pods!
  19. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite author? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Edgar Allan Gourd!
  20. Why do pumpkins never go on diets? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They’re already stuffed with fiber!

Clever Pumpkin Riddles

  1. I come once a year, bring joy and some fear. I am carved, filled with light, to glow in the night. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-o’-lantern!
  2. Orange and round, I’m found on the ground. Lift me up, take me home, carve a face in my dome. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  3. I’m planted in spring, harvested in fall. Orange and round, I can be big or small. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  4. I have no hands or feet but I can still be the highlight of Halloween. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-o’-lantern!
  5. I’ve got a stem, but I’m not a flower. I’ve got seeds, but I’m not a bird. I’ve got pulp, but I’m not a tooth. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  6. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite holiday? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Squash-giving!
  7. Why was the pumpkin looking so grouchy? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Someone carved a frown on its face!
  8. What do you call a surfing pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A gourd-er!
  9. What’s a pumpkin’s least favorite month? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ No-seed-ember!
  10. How do pumpkins pay for things? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ With credit gourds!
  11. What’s the favorite movie of pumpkins? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pulp Fiction!
  12. What happened when the pumpkin proposed? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They lived hap-pie-ly ever after!
  13. What kind of birthday cake do pumpkins like? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pump-kin spice with Gourd-geous frosting!
  14. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite exercise? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Squash!
  15. How do pumpkins send secret messages? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Through a seed-cret code!
  16. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Squash!
  17. Why was the pumpkin blushing? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Because it saw the farmer’s roots!
  18. What do you call a pumpkin wrapped in cobwebs? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A mummy-kin!
  19. What is a pumpkin’s favorite TV show? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Gourd of the Rings!
  20. What do you call a pumpkin who tells jokes? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pun-kin!

Challenging Pumpkin Riddles

  1. I’m harvested in autumn, warmed by the sun. My flesh is orange, my seeds can be fun. I grow on a vine, and get carved for delight. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  2. I start as a flower, then grow into a fruit. I sit on porches in fall, looking rather cute. My insides can be roasted, my outsides can be art. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  3. What has a round body, a stem like a hat, seeds inside, and is scary when carved? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-o’-lantern!
  4. A fruit of the field that shines in the night, carved by a knife to give off light, seeds that are roasted to eat with delight. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  5. I’m deep orange in hue, can be big as a barrel. Bake me in pie, or carve me for Halloween. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pumpkin!
  6. How did the jack-o’-lantern fix his broken stem? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ With a pumpkin patch!
  7. What do you call a pumpkin dressed as a doctor? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Dr. Gourd-on!
  8. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite state? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ New Squashington!
  9. What kind of car does a pumpkin drive? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A seed-an!
  10. How do pumpkins take their coffee? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Decaf-einated!
  11. Where do pumpkins learn math? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pump-kin-dergarten!
  12. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite subject in school? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Stem!
  13. Why did the pumpkin break up with the squash? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It felt like the relationship was getting too smashing!
  14. Why didn’t the pumpkin want to compete in the Olympics? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It didn’t want to get squashed by the competition!
  15. What do you call a fashionable pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A trendy gourd-met!
  16. What do you call a pumpkin trying to be fancy? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Gourdan Ramsay!
  17. Why don’t pumpkins take vacations? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They fear getting squashed in the luggage!
  18. What do you call a sad jack-o’-lantern? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A blue-kin!
  19. How do pumpkins organize a party? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They plan-tain ahead!
  20. What do pumpkins use to wash their hair? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Sham-seeds!

Punny Pumpkin Riddles

  1. I am a special kind of pumpkin that tells scary stories on Halloween. What am I? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A Tale from the Gourd!
  2. Why couldn’t the pumpkin sing the national anthem? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It was squash-key!
  3. What kind of pumpkin works at the hospital? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A nursery gourd!
  4. Why was the pumpkin good at boxing? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It had a great pump-cross!
  5. What do you call a pumpkin who’s a detective? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Sherlock Gourds!
  6. What do you call a pumpkin who loves to dance? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jive turkey… I mean pumpkin!
  7. What do you call a pumpkin with a crown? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The Gourd of the Rings!
  8. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of poem? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pump-ku!
  9. What do you call a pumpkin that’s a lawyer? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ An at-gourd-ney!
  10. What do you call a pumpkin growing on a trellis? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A high-rise gourd!
  11. What do you call a pumpkin in a marching band? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A drum-kin!
  12. How did the pumpkin ask another pumpkin to the dance? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “Would you like to be my date to the Harvest Ball?”
  13. What did one jack-o’-lantern say to the other? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “Your smile lights up the night!”
  14. What do you call a pumpkin that’s a gossip? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A rumor-kin!
  15. What do you call a pumpkin that works at a newspaper? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ The editor-in-seed!
  16. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite instrument? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pipe gourd-an!
  17. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite drink? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pump-kin spice latte!
  18. What do you call a pumpkin with a temper? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A hot-headed gourd!
  19. Why did the pumpkin get a job in construction? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It wanted to be a jack-o’-lantern of all trades!
  20. What happens when pumpkins get lazy? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They turn into couch pot-atoes!

Seasonal Pumpkin Riddles

  1. What’s orange, round, and can be carved but is not a pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Nothingβ€”that’s a pumpkin!
  2. What did the carver say to the perfect pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “You’re gourd-geous!”
  3. What did the pumpkin say to the farmer? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “Pick me, pick me!”
  4. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite kind of candy? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pump-kin-d bars!
  5. What do you call a rude pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Gourd-awful!
  6. Why do pumpkins make such terrible singers? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ They always sound hollow!
  7. What do you call a religious pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Hal-low-een!
  8. What do you call a pumpkin who tells fibs? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A fibber gourd!
  9. What do you call pumpkins who tell jokes while trick-or-treating? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Stand-up gourd-ians!
  10. How did the pumpkin patch become so successful? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It was well-grounded!
  11. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite game? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Squash!
  12. How do pumpkins answer the phone? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “Gourd afternoon!”
  13. What do you call a pumpkin that helps you move? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A jack-of-all-trades!
  14. What do you call a small pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pump-kid!
  15. Why did the pumpkin refuse to cross the road? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It didn’t want to become squash!
  16. What do you call a pumpkin on a skateboard? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Jack Roll-ins!
  17. What do you call a pumpkin with no seeds? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Seedless!
  18. What does a pumpkin use to keep its pants up? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A pump-belt!
  19. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite day of the week? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Seed-urday!
  20. Why did the pumpkin go to the dentist? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ To get its jack-o’-fillings!
  21. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite subject in school? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Pumpkin pie-thagoras theorem!
  22. What do you call a pumpkin with a cold? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A sneezy squash!
  23. Why couldn’t the pumpkin stay awake? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It was seedy!
  24. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite kind of house? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A gourd-en home!
  25. How do jack-o’-lanterns greet each other? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ “Hey, gourd-geous!”

Bonus: Halloween Pumpkin Riddles

  1. What do you call a pumpkin that scares other pumpkins? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A boo-gourd!
  2. Why did the pumpkin turn down the party invitation? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ It had hollow-een plans!
  3. What’s a ghost’s favorite kind of pumpkin? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A boo-berry pumpkin pie!
  4. What do you call a pumpkin that haunts your house? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ A polter-gourd!
  5. What kind of music do pumpkins listen to on Halloween? β€’ Answer: πŸŽƒ Monster mash-up!


Pumpkin riddles are a fantastic way to add fun and creativity to your autumn celebrations. Whether you’re sharing them at a Halloween party, challenging friends, or just enjoying a brain teaser, they bring laughter and excitement.

See This Blog Also :  120 Mind-Blowing Flower Riddles That Will Bloom Your Curiosity

With 120+ riddles, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So, embrace the fall spirit, test your wit, and make this season even more entertaining with these pumpkin-themed puzzles!

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